Saturday, February 28, 2009

Anda Curry- Eggs in a tangy tomato sauce

4 hard boiled eggs
1 large onion- chop
2 large tomatoes- chop
2 thai chillies
3 cloves garlic
1" ginger
1 tspn garam masala
1 tspn coriander
1/2 tspn turmeric
2 tspn salt
3 tbspn yoghurt
5 almonds

dry masala
1 bay leaf
1 black cardomom
1 clove
1 tspn cumin seeds
3 peppercorns

1 tbspn dried fenugreek leaves
2 tbspn chopped coriander

1. Heat the oil. Add the dry masala and cumin seeds till you hear a splutter.
2. Add onions , saute till brown.
3. Add tomatoes, garlic , green chillies, garlic , ginger.
4. When tomatoes are reduced add red chilly powder, coriander, turmeric, garam masala.
5. Add yoghurt. Reduce till you get a paste. Now add 1 cup water.
6. Fish out dried masala and blend the rest of the mixture with almonds.
7. Add the sauce to the pan and cook for 10 minutes.
8. Half the eggs and add to the sauce.
9. Cook for 3 more minutes.
10. Garnish with kasoori methi and coriander leaves.

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