Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Sarson Ka Saag- Mustard Greens

At the farmers market I picked up mustard greens for a doller per bundle. They were all over the market , bright green with the yellow flower, and being picked up in troves by the Asian women. And the most natural thing to do with fresh mustard greens , is make sarson ka saag, a popular Punjabi dish, served with makki (corn) roti. I botched up my makki roti because I used masa corn flour to make them - very bad call.

I add 1 pat of spinach to two parts of mustard to balance the pungency and bitterness of mustard. You also need to add corn flour to give your saag a silky consistency.

2 bundles of mustard greens ( chop fine)
1 bundle of spinach
3 tbspn corn flour
2 tspn salt
1" piece of grated ginger
4 plump cloves of garlic
1 tbspn garam masala
1 tspn zeera
1 pinch heeng
cumin seeds
4 green chillies - finely diced
2 tbspn kasoori methi

1. Chop the greens and wilt them in a pot with 1 cup of water for 15 minutes.
2. Add the ginger, garlic, corn flour, and salt.
3. With a hand blender puree a bit but maintain the texture of the greens.
4. When the greens become a little brown add the garam masala and kasoori methi.
5. Tadka - Take 2 tbspn oil, add the asfoetida, and cumin seeds till they splutter.
6. Add to the saag.
7. serve with makki roti.

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