Saturday, February 7, 2009

Imli wali Sukhi Mung - Dry Mung with Tamarind


2 cups dry split green mung - Soak overnight
1 small onion
1 clove garlic
2 tbspn tamarind paste
1 tspn coriander powder
2 tspn salt
2 thai green chillies
1/2 tspn cumin seeds
1/2 tspn garam masala
1/2 tspn turmeric
1 tbspn oil


1. Boil the mung with minimum water, coriander powder, salt, and turmeric powder.
2. Tamarind paste- 2 tbspn tamarind with a little water. Microwave on high while removing the fibre of the tamarind. Mash with a spoon till you get a paste.
3. Heat oil, add cumin seeds, onions, diced garlic.
4. Saute onions till golden.
5. Add the mung.
6. After 5 minutes add the garam masala and tamarind.
7. Cook for another 3 minutes.
8. Serve with chapati or parantha.

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