Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Nectarine Sundaes – for 2

Occassion - friends for dinner. My reaction -the usual "dinner is a breeze, but dessert will baffle me." Action - the usual " browse through food and wine magazine till you hit a no-bake dessert.
recipe inspiration -

I did not use bourbon, and I will do so next time.

1. Preheat oven to 375 degrees.
2. Take a pound cake and cube it till you get a cup of cubes.
3. Add 1 tbspn melted butter to the pound cake cubes and bake till crispy. Should take 15-20 mins.
4. You can freeze the croutons so make them in huge batches.
5. Slice a nectarine finely.
6. In a pan take some butter. Add 1 tbspn light brown sugar. Add the nectarine slices. Saute till moist.
7. Add some lemon juice. Cook sauce till thick.
8. In a bowl, take one fourth of the nectarine sauce. Add a scoop of ice cream. Top with croutons. Repeat.

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