Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Menu Idea

Buttermilk Roasted Chicken
Mashed Potatoes
Stir fry with paneer and vegetables in a tomato cause

Banana pudding

Goan Shrimp Curry

I followed Sanjeev Kapoor’s recipe.
Dry roast the following ingredients till the coconut is light brown
2 tspns dried coriander seeds
1 tspn dried cumin seeds
3 dried red chilies
¼ cup coconut flakes ( I use frozen coconut flakes from the Indian store)
Now throw the above mixture in a blender with the following and add extra water if you need to.
1 “ piece of ginger
5 cloves of garlic
Takes about 1 tbsp. of tamarind and blast in the microwave for 40 seconds with ¼ cup of water. This is your tamarind paste.
Prep work
I used 12-15 tiger shrimps, which I peeled, and deveined, that is pulled out the black vein. Also chop a small onion into small pieces. You can also slit 1-2 Thai chilies if you like your curry very spicy. ( (Remember, the dried red chilies that are part of the paste.)
Heat some oil and sauté the onions until deep brown and caramelized. Add the chilies and sauté for a minute. Now add the spice paste. Add water and salt until you get a boil. I give it at least 5 more minutes, adjusting for water until the flavors are blended.
Add shrimp. Cook for another 2-3 minutes until shrimps are pink. Sanjeev Kapoor adds 1 tspn vinegar, however, I find that I use more tamarind than what he recommended and so no more tartness was required.

Jamaican jerk chicken with Pineapple salsa

Mix the following together and refrigerate overnight for the flavors to meld.

½ cup of pineapple finely diced
Mint leaves
Coriander leaves

I bought jerk seasoning from Jamaica, which was in the form of a marinade. I took two chicken breasts, made deep incisions all over them, and marinated them overnight. The next day, I heated my grill to medium, and grilled the breasts after salting them until I got a brown crust on both sides. I served the chicken with the salsa to cool the fiery flavors of the jerk seasoning.

Rice and peas

I love Caribbean rice. They call this rice and peas in Jamaica when it is actually rice and kidney beans. The coconut gives the rice a sweet sticky flavor, which goes well with spicy jerk chicken, and I prefer this rice a little mushy because this consistency works with the dry jerk chicken.
2 cups of rice
1 tin of coconut milk (14 oz.)
1 Tspn thyme
1 tin of kidney beans (15 oz.)
1-Scotch bonnet pepper (I used 3 Tspn of scotch bonnet hot sauce that I bought in Jamaica)
½ small onion
2 green onions (cut the greens and the whites separately)
5 cloves of garlic – smashed
Add the oil to a pan and sauté the onions and white parts of the green onion until soft. Add garlic and sauté further. Now add the kidney bean with the liquid in the can. The liquid gives the rice, its distinct red color. Sauté for a minute and add the coconut milk. Add the pepper. Now let tis boil and let the flavors meld. It should taste like a coconut kidney bean soup after 10 minutes. Add thyme, salt, and green onions. Now add the rice and cook until done. You might have to add more water.

Caribbean Dinner

Jerk chicken with pineapple salsa
Rice and peas
Fried plantains

And my non carribean banana pudding

Monday, February 27, 2012

Buttermilk Mashed potatoes

4 yukon gold potatoes – boil, mash and mix with the following
¾ cup of warm buttermilk
Salt and black pepper

Additional touch – Add a little (1 tbsp.) ghee in a pan. Add some paprika and cumin seeds to the ghee. When it splutters add to the potatoes.

Buttermilk Roasted Chicken

This was my first attempt at roasting chicken. I looked at this recipe which looked fairly foolproof.


Marinate 6 chicken drumsticks for at least 24 hours in the following marinade. Throw the chicken together with the marinade in a Ziploc bag.
2 cups buttermilk
5 cloves of garlic
2 Tspn salt
Loads of black pepper
1 Tspn cayenne pepper

Pre-heat oven to 400 degrees. Throw the chicken in a baking dish and bake for 30 almost minutes when the chicken starts browning.

Mix some salt and pepper in some olive oil.

Crank up the heat to broiler. Now line a baking sheet with foil and put the chicken pieces on top after basting with oil and salt mixture. Watch the chicken closely. When you get the desired crispiness take it out. I turn it over a few times.

Banana Pudding

I adopted this recipe with almost no changes. This is an easy dessert, which is a great crowd pleaser. This amount should serve four.

For crumble

12 Nilla vanilla cookies
2 Tbsps. melted butter
1 ½ Tsps. sugar
Place the cookies in a Ziploc bag and pound them until the cookies crumble. Mix with butter and sugar and bake on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper for 15 minutes at 325 degrees. Let this cool.

For Custard
5 egg yolks
2 cups of milk + 2 Tbsp. milk
1 pinch of salt
¼ cups of corn starch
½ cup sugar
1 Tsps. vanilla essence
1 Tbsps. cold butter
2 bananas
Heat the milk until it is warm in a saucepan.
Mix egg yolks with starch, salt, and sugar. Add the eggs slowly, bit by bit, while continuously whisking the liquid to the mixture so that the eggs do not scramble.
Pour the custard in the saucepan and keep whisking until mixture feels heavy. Should take 3-5 minutes.
Add vanilla essence and butter. Refrigerate overnight.

Slice 2 bananas thinly
An hour before serving, layer a dish with bananas. Add the custard on top. And top with the crumble. Give this at least an hour because the pudding acquires a banana flavor and the crumble stays crisp.