Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Goan Shrimp Curry

I followed Sanjeev Kapoor’s recipe.
Dry roast the following ingredients till the coconut is light brown
2 tspns dried coriander seeds
1 tspn dried cumin seeds
3 dried red chilies
¼ cup coconut flakes ( I use frozen coconut flakes from the Indian store)
Now throw the above mixture in a blender with the following and add extra water if you need to.
1 “ piece of ginger
5 cloves of garlic
Takes about 1 tbsp. of tamarind and blast in the microwave for 40 seconds with ¼ cup of water. This is your tamarind paste.
Prep work
I used 12-15 tiger shrimps, which I peeled, and deveined, that is pulled out the black vein. Also chop a small onion into small pieces. You can also slit 1-2 Thai chilies if you like your curry very spicy. ( (Remember, the dried red chilies that are part of the paste.)
Heat some oil and sauté the onions until deep brown and caramelized. Add the chilies and sauté for a minute. Now add the spice paste. Add water and salt until you get a boil. I give it at least 5 more minutes, adjusting for water until the flavors are blended.
Add shrimp. Cook for another 2-3 minutes until shrimps are pink. Sanjeev Kapoor adds 1 tspn vinegar, however, I find that I use more tamarind than what he recommended and so no more tartness was required.

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