Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Rice and peas

I love Caribbean rice. They call this rice and peas in Jamaica when it is actually rice and kidney beans. The coconut gives the rice a sweet sticky flavor, which goes well with spicy jerk chicken, and I prefer this rice a little mushy because this consistency works with the dry jerk chicken.
2 cups of rice
1 tin of coconut milk (14 oz.)
1 Tspn thyme
1 tin of kidney beans (15 oz.)
1-Scotch bonnet pepper (I used 3 Tspn of scotch bonnet hot sauce that I bought in Jamaica)
½ small onion
2 green onions (cut the greens and the whites separately)
5 cloves of garlic – smashed
Add the oil to a pan and sauté the onions and white parts of the green onion until soft. Add garlic and sauté further. Now add the kidney bean with the liquid in the can. The liquid gives the rice, its distinct red color. Sauté for a minute and add the coconut milk. Add the pepper. Now let tis boil and let the flavors meld. It should taste like a coconut kidney bean soup after 10 minutes. Add thyme, salt, and green onions. Now add the rice and cook until done. You might have to add more water.

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