Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Soft scrambled eggs with croutons

I am always looking for ways to make eggs more delectable. I usually make breakfast every Saturday morning for my partner, and he claims he never cared for eggs till he tasted mine. Now it’s a ritual.

The first trick to great scrambles is to use farm fresh eggs. I buy organic cage free eggs from my Farmer’s market every Saturday morning. The difference is pronounced, when compared to using super market eggs. Fresh organic eggs are creamier, brighter, and very flavorful and do not turn grey like supermarket eggs.

The second trick to soft scrambled eggs is to use a thick bottomed pan, keep the stove temperature low, and stir consistently. I add butter to an omelet pan, allowing it to melt, and add the eggs to the pan which is not too hot. I keep stirring the eggs for 10 minutes or so till I get soft scrambled eggs. I also add some cream to the eggs when I start the stirring.

Now for a little twist to traditional scrambled eggs.

I found the following recipe on Food and Wine magazine. The chef adds bread croutons to the eggs at the end.


I made these eggs for my partner this weekend, and served them with honey-butter-paprika toasts, to provide a sweet contrast to these savory eggs which already have toasts in them.

5 eggs
2 tbspn cream
1 tbspn butter
2 cloves of garlic (smashed)
Olive oil
Brioche croutons (I make extra croutons and freeze them, so I had these on hand. If you don’t have these, just take 3-4 slices of whatever bread you have, preferably brioche, and dice it into cubes)

1. Heat the oil, and add the garlic for flavor. Now add the cubed pieces of bread till they are brown and crispy. Discard the garlic.
2. Heat the butter in a thick pan. When it starts to melt, add the eggs and cream.
3. Add salt/pepper.
4. Keep whisking and stirring.
5. When the eggs are almost set, throw in the croutons.
6. Garnish with chives.

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