Saturday, February 28, 2009

Pudiney Wale Aloo - Potato and Mint

This was one of the first things I learnt how to cook. I remember making it for my family never getting it quite right. Potatoes are very versatile even on their own and not just as accompaniments to other vegetables. They can sing on their own when you play with the seasoning and the acidity. For example try tamarind, lime juice, dried mango powder, or tomatoes. Use mint leaves, coriander leaves, or curry leaves. Alternate between green chilies or red chilly powder. Variate the spices. Add nuts, sesame seeds or poppy seeds. There should be hundreds of ways to just cook potatoes. And most of them turn out well.

1/2 cup chopped mint
2 large potatoes- diced
1 tspn cumin seeds
1 tspn coriander powder
1/2 tspn turmeric
2 tspn salt
1 tspn freshly grated ginger
1 green chilly
1 tspn garam masala
1 tspn tamarind chutney (optional)
1 tspn oil
1 tspn dried mango powder
2 tspn coppped coriander leaves

1. Heat the oil in a pan, add the cumin seeds. Wait till they splutter.
2. Add the potatoes.
3. Add the coriander powder, turmeric, ginger, green chilly and salt. Add 1 cup water, cover and let the potatoes cook.
4. When half done add half of the mint.
5. When potatoes are nearly done, add the dried mango powder.
6. When potatoes are done add garam masala and the remaining mint. Add the chutney.
7. Garnish with coriander leaves.

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