Monday, February 16, 2009

Achari Gobhi

I was always puzzled as to how to use Anardana or dried Pomegranate seeds. I accidentally bought it one fine day from Fremont where I was actually looking for dried mango powder or aamchhoor. I knew this spice from my mother's kitchen but never remembered when she actually used it. It has a sweet tangy taste and adds acidity to your recipe, commonly used in mango pickle. So I tentatively added it to my cauliflour, considering that it had been lying in my pantry unused for days, and it changed the flavor of the whole recipe - in a nice way. I did not cook my cauliflour much and the crispiness of the cauliflour gave this recipe a flavor that was closer to a pickle.

Mix the following seeds in a bowl

1/2 tspn nigella seeds (Kalonji)
1 tspn Anardana (dried Pomegranate seeds)
1/2 tspn fenugreek sides ( methi)
1 tspn fennel seeds (saunf)
1/2 tspn red peper flakes
1/2 tspn cumin seeds
1/2 tspn mustard seeds

Other Ingredients
1 clove garlic grate
1/2 " ginger grate
1 head of cauliflour- cut into florets
2 tspn salt
1 tspn coriander powder
1/2 tspn turmeric powder
1 tbspn kasoori methi
2 generous pinches asfoetida


1. In a pan heat some oil. Add heeng.
2. Add the rest of the seeds. Wait for a splutter.
3. Add cauliflour, ginger , salt, and a little water so seeds do not burn.
4. Add salt , turmeric, coriander powder.
5. Cook uncovered till tender. Add Kasoori Methi.

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