Sunday, February 15, 2009

Bhindi Do Pyaaza- Okra with Onions

300 gms Okra
2 Onions thinly sliced
2 green chillies
1 tbsp coriander leaves
1" ginger - grate
3 cloves garlic -grate
1/2 lemon juice
1 pinch heeng
1 tspn cumin seeds
3 pinches turmeric powder

1. Slit Okra lengthwise. Cut off head and keep stem.
2. Saute the okra on 2 tspn oil till crisp. Keep aside.
3. Take some oil in a pan. Add asfoetida, cumin seeds and onions. Fry onions till golden.
4. Add the rest of the seasoning except the lemon juice and then add the okra.
5. Add the juice and serve.

Tips - Make sure okra is dry and do not cover pan while cooking or add water to the sish any time to prevent stickiness.

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