Friday, January 9, 2009

Matar Poha - Pressed Rice with Peas

Level of difficulty -Easy

Poha is a pretty easy breakfast dish or a plain snack. You can add peanuts, potatoes, or just make it with plain onion ( known as kanda poha).

1 cups of thick pressed rice (poha)
2 thai chillies (dice finely)
1/2 cup of peas
1/2 cup of corn
1 white onion ( cut finely lengthwise)
1/2 tspn mustard seeds
2 curry leaves (optional)
1 small lime
3 tspn salt
1/2 tspn turmeric
2 tbspn oil
coriander leaves


1. Add the poha to a colander and run water over it for 30 seconds.
2. Add the oil to a sauce pan and wait for the oil to heat. Add the mustard seeds till they splutter.
3. Add the onion and saute till it is transparent. Now add the peas and the corn.
4. Add the poha, salt, haldi, chillies, curry leaves.
5. Toss around for five minutes. Add juice on one small lime.
6. Garnish with coeiander leaves.

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