Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Onion Pepper frittata (9” skillet) with a tomato sauce

What I love about frittatas is that you can make them in advance, and have a wedge for breakfast as long as it lasts. Grabbing a protein filled breakfast on a rushed morning could not get easier. The whole technicality in getting frittatas right, is using the right number of eggs based on your skillet. You definitely do not want a thin frittata; the slices should be like wedges of a pie. For an 8 ½ “- 9” inch skillet, I like to use 6 eggs. This is sufficient for two people. However, if you are using a larger skillet, say 12”, I would use 10-12 eggs, and this would work for 4 people. 3 eggs per person is a good ratio, and therefore one should be mindful of the size of the skillet.

As for oven temperatures, estimates vary from 350degrees to 400 degrees. You need a moderate oven, and I like to work at 350 degrees, since the top does not brown very quickly.

I also make this sauce to go on top of the frittata. It makes the frittata less dry and gives it an additional flavor, although you could do away with this step if you chose.


6 eggs
½ large red pepper5 cut into fine strips
½ onion cut in strips
3/4cup of corn
1 pinch of garam masala (optional)
Parmesan cheese
Dash of sriracha sauce
Salt to taste

2 Tomatoes – roughly chopped ( or use 8-10 plum tomatoes)
A few leaves of basil
Olive oil
Pepper flakes
Black pepper

About the skillet-for 6 eggs, use a 9” ovenproof skillet. The handle of my last skillet was not exactly ovenproof, so I covered it with a couple of layers of aluminum foil.

Oven- Pre-heat to 350 degrees.

Eggs- Sauté the onions and peppers till soft. Add the corn and sriracha. Beat the eggs lightly Add the salt, pepper, garam masala. Cool the vegetables a little and add the egg mixture. Stir initially and then allow to set till it looks curdled on the top. Grate the cheese on top and bake in the oven for 20-25 minutes, till golden and puffy.

Cook all of the ingredients till tomatoes are soft and puffy. Add the basil at the end.

Serve the frittata with the sauce on top. Grate some parmesan on the top.

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