Monday, May 7, 2012

Spanish Tortilla

Classic Spanish tortilla, better known as a potato omelet, has the double benefits of eggs and breakfast potatoes in one dish. I like it with a tomato cucumber salad and with a dash of ketchup. You can also serve these at room temperature.

4 medium red potatoes- thinly sliced

6 eggs

Salt, black pepper, paprika

Olive oil

1. Take some olive oil in an ovenproof pan. Add a layer of potatoes. When tender, turn. You do not want them golden brown. Do not overcrowd the pan. I do this in batches. Keep the potatoes aside and reduce the flame to low. You may season the slices when cooking.

2. Mix the eggs and the spices.

3. Layer the potatoes over the pan. Add the eggs. Keep on the flame for 2 minutes.

4. Bake at 350 degrees for around 20 minutes or when the eggs look done.

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