Tuesday, September 14, 2010


1. Cheddar cheese, tomatoes, cilantro, Thai chilly
2. Mushrooms sautéed till wilted, black pepper , garlic
3. Tomatoes, green chilly , cilantro
4. spinach, onion, feta, sun tried tomatoes
5. ricotta, sun dried tomatoes, pepper flakes, lemon zest, spinach, onion (sauté onion and spinach, when cool add rest of the ingredients)

For the perfect omelette

Beat the following –

12” non stick skillet
1 tbspn water
3 eggs
Hint of turmeric and paprika
Black pepper

Brush some oil on the skillet. Heat on medium high. Put your palm above the pan, till you can feel the heat. Add the egg mixture. Bring the flame down to medium.

When the mixture starts to curdle, start moving it around so it doesn’t set. Keep doing till nearly set. The mixture should be a little runny on the top and light yellow on the bottom. Move around the liquid yolk on the top, till it is evenly distributed. Wait for the liquid to set. Now add the filling on half of the omelette. Fold the other half. Shift the half folded omelette towards the center of the pan and cook for another minute or two, till the cheese in the filling melts and the other half is glued.

Slide gently on a heated plate. ( plate which has been in the oven at 200 degrees till you make the omelette)

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