Sunday, August 23, 2009

The touch is back - Roasted Bell Pepper

I was inspired by Monisha Bhardwaj for this recipe.

2 bell peppers- cubed into squares- the way to do this is cut off the ends, remove the ribs, cut in half and get approximately 9 cubes per half
1/2 onion - finely chopped
2 heap spoonfuls of besan mixed with some ajwain
1/2 tspn haldi
1 tspn garam masala
1 tspn dhania
salt to taste
1/2 tspn zeera
2-3 tbspn crushed peanuts

1. Roast the besan and ajwain till the besan is light brown and fragrant. Keep aside.
2. Take some oil in a pan, heat it, add the cumin seeds and wait for them to splutter.
3. Add the onions. Fry till golden brown.
4. Add the bell pepper, peanuts, and spices. Keep mixing , or the peanuts will burn.
5. After a few minutes the bell peppers will be crisp and ready.
6. Add the besan.

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