Friday, April 1, 2011

Mixed Vegetables – Carrots, Kale, Zucchini, Peas Paneer, Bell Pepper, Tomatoes, Spring Onions

Basically emptying the refrigerator but not succumbing to the temptation of panch phoron. With any medley like the above, it is important to get the vegetables in at the right time, so that each vegetable cooks perfectly, and then to tie them all together with a sauce that complements the flavors. I like to get this all ready in one pot, so the sequence of adding vegetables is important. Again, quantity of each vegetable does not matter. Increase or decrease the quantities according to what you have or prefer.

1 bunch of spring onions chopped finely
1 pack of paneer
2 zucchinis cut into semi circles
5 baby carrots cut into fours
¼ cup of peas
1 bell pepper – squared
Kale – chopped finely, should be around 1 cup
1 tomato – cut in eights
Fresh coriander
3 cloves of garlic
1 piece of ginger
1 tbspn coriander powder
Cayenne Pepper
Crushed Tomatoes- 1/2cup

• Heat some oil in a pan. Add the paneer and sauté till golden.
• Scoop the paneer to the side and add the zeera and wait till it splutters.
• Add the chopped spring onion and the carrots. Sauté for at least 2 minutes.
• Add the tomato paste. When it reduces , add the spices and roast while coating the vegetables.
• Add the kale.
• Cover and cook for a few minutes. Add the zucchini and tomatoes.
• After two minutes add the peas.
• When the vegetables are nearly done add the bell pepper.
• Garnish with coriander leaves.

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