Sunday, February 20, 2011

Eggplant, Swiss chard and tomatoes

I love Japanese eggplants for the very meaty flavor and a lack of seeds. They go very well with tomatoes. I had a bunch of Swiss chard and just threw everything into the pot. Basically, this is a very easy recipe and does not require many fancy spices. All that is needed is some coriander powder and garam masala, which is added with the tomatoes and not later. And it is just for me. Cooking is a very unselfish act for me, I cook to please. But basically in the world I currently live in, that would entail divorcing mushrooms, eggplants, greens, onions, cauliflower etc. Basically, subsisting on potatoes, beans, carrots, tomatoes, and corn.

Actually, this is close to the recipe I posted before.

This version has Swiss chard. I was just trying to use all the vegetables in my fridge. I had this rainbow Swiss chard from the farmer’s market, it kind of adds to the redness of tomatoes.

2 Japanese eggplants cut in semi circles
2 large tomatoes finely chopped
1 large onion chopped finely
½ “piece of ginger chopped finely
Coriander powder
Garam masala
2 green chills finely chopped
1 bunch of Swiss chard chopped finely
Cumin seeds
1. To some oil in a pan, add the cumin seeds, and after they splutter add the onions. Add a little sugar and caramelize the onions till they are brown.
2. Add the tomatoes and ginger. Cook till pulpy. Add green chilies.
3. Add the spices. Sauté for a minute.
4. Add the eggplant and Swiss chard.
5. Cover and cook. Keep adding a little water till you get a pulpy consistency. The vegetables should be kind of mashed.

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