Thursday, March 29, 2012

Lemon Pudding

20 lady fingers
Juice of I lemon
2 tbsp. sugar
2 tbsp. pistachios

For Custard

5 egg yolks
2 cups of milk + 2 Tbsp. milk
1 pinch of salt
¼ cups of corn starch
½ cup sugar
1 tbsp. cold butter
Zest of 1 lemon

Heat the milk until it is warm in a saucepan. Mix egg yolks with starch, salt, and sugar. Add the eggs slowly, bit by bit, while continuously whisking the liquid to the mixture so that the eggs do not scramble.

Pour the custard in the saucepan and keep whisking until mixture feels heavy. Should take 3-5 minutes.
Add lemon zest and butter. Refrigerate overnight.

Mix the lemon juice with sugar and water. Dip the lady fingers in the juice and add to the glass. You can layer the bottom of a wide glass or lay them out like petals in a martini glass. The lady fingers will absorb the lemon juice and acquire the flavor. 5 lady fingers per serving.

Add the custard on the top. The pistachios should be roughly ground and added to the custard for texture.

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