Sunday, March 8, 2009


This recipe comes from my Aunt or Maasi in Mumbai. Maasi is a beautiful woman in her seventies, graceful, slim, and petite with porcelain skin and a soft voice. Dressed beautifully in perfectly draped cotton sarees, light diamond jewelry, she walks gracefully around her house, making sure each table is spotless, the food is impeccable, and people around her are warm and cared in her benign presence. I talked with her on the phone the other day. I always loved her magaj so much and asked her how to make it. She patiently explained it all painstakingly going over every little detail. I couldn’t wait to make her magaj her way, and as I put the first piece in my mouth, I felt like she was there in front of me comforting me, soothing me, and listening to me. I miss her. Cooking is joyful; it can recreate the presence of those you love, even if they are far away from you.

1 cup besan
3/4 cup ghee
1/4 cup milk
1 cup almonds
1 cup fine sugar
4 pods cardomom

1. Grind the almonds and the sugar together. Reserve.
2. Heat the ghee in a pan. Fry the besan till it turns golden brown. Add the hot milk.
3. MAke sure the mixture is light and the besan is brown.
4. Turn off the flame.
5. Add the sugar almond mixture and the cardomom.
6. Lay out in a tray and cut into squares.

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